22-Industrial Development
22-1. Scope
22-1. Scope
22-1.1. For the purpose of these Regulations, the terms 'industrial uses' 'industrial purposes', industrial activities' and 'industrial development' include:
22-1.1.1. the making or manufacturing of any articles or part of any article;
22-1.1.2. the altering, fabricating, ornamenting, finishing, compounding, assembling, blending, mixing, packing or canning, adapting for sale, or breaking up or demolition of any article;
22-1.1.3. the extraction, dressing, treatment or preparation for sale of minerals, or the extraction or preparation for sale of oil;
22-1.1.4. any other activity which has been designated as “industry” by the Federal Government or Government of Sindh through a notification.
22-1.2. For the purposes of these Regulations, industries are classified as "evidentiary manufacturing" and "non-evidentiary manufacturing" (Chapter 19).
22-2. Permits for Industrial Development
22-2.1. No land development for industrial purposes may be undertaken without a Special Development Permit from MP&ECD, except in the case of evidentiary manufacturing for which a General Development Permit may be obtained from the concerned Authority upon compliance with the requirements of an applicable detailed plan, any area standards and any other pertinent requirements or regulations.
22-2.2.The concerned Authority determining an application for a development permit for industrial purposes may grant the permit with consultation of MP&ECD only if it is satisfied that the applicant has complied, or will comply, with:-
22-2.2.1. the performance standards set forth in this chapter.
22-2.2.2. any applicable bulk, height, area or other standards specified in Chapters 19 to 21 in Appendices A to E;
22-2.2.3. the requirements of any applicable detailed plan or planning position.
22-2.2.4. any applicable requirements of other laws, regulations or bye-laws for licensing or regulating industrial uses or operations for the protection of the environment, or of health and welfare of residents of the community.
22-3. Criteria for Special Development Permit for Industrial Purposes.
22-3.1. In determining an application for a Special Development Permit for industrial purposes, the MP & ECD shall apply the following performance standards, as may be appropriate.
22-3.1.1. Removal of Wastes: The applicant shall submit plans for the removal of liquid and solid wastes from the site in such manner as shall avoid or minimize the pollution of nearby water courses or sources, sewers, or water supply facilities, or damage to sewer lines or sewerage treatment plans; and the developer and operator shall comply with such conditions as the MP & ECD may impose in respect of the disposal of industrial waste.
22-3.1.2. Removal of noise and vibration: The applicant shall give the details of noise and vibration generation in the industry and / or its control and shall avoid or minimize the noise and vibration generation; and the owner and operator shall comply with the conditions set down by the MP & ECD.
22-3.1.3. Access and loading: Facilities for vehicular access and unloading shall be adequate for the particular industrial activities, and be so designed and located as to ensure safety and eliminate fire hazards.
22-3.2. In addition to the requirements of paragraph 22-3.1, the MP & ECD shall give consideration to the following, as may be appropriate:
22-3.2.1. the location of the site and whether it is designated for industry in an applicable detailed Master plan or development plan;
22-3.2.2.implicatins for road and rail traffic and traffic congestion;
22-3.2.3. the precise nature of the industrial process in relation to it impact on the environments, especially, though not exclusively, in reference to the emission of fumes and dust and creation of noise.
22-3.2.4. the potential burden on utilities i.e. water, sewerage, electricity, gas, telephone etc.;
22-3.2.5. if sought to be located in a rural area, whether the activity is the processing of agricultural products or is otherwise traditionally conducted in rural area; and in any event, whether the proposed industrial development is likely to invite urban development in the area and, in particular, pressures on green belt areas;
22-3.2.6. the particular needs of the industry, such as the need to be near water, docks or a source of raw materials.
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