20-Bulk & Spatial Standards 

20-1. Plot Areas

20-1.1. For all new major sub-division schemes, the following standard plot areas shall be observed: 

20-1.1.1. Minimum plot area of 80Sq.yds. (66.89Sq.m.) 

20-1.1.2. plot greater than 81Sq.yds.(67.7Sqm.) and not more than 120Sq.yds.(100.33 Sq.m). 

20-1.1.3. plot greater than 121Sq.yds.(101.17Sq.m.) and no more than 240Sq.yds.(200.67Sq.m.). 

20-1.1.4. plot greater than 241Sq.yds.(201.5Sq.m.) and no more than 400Sq.yds.(334.45Sq.m.). 

20-1.1.5. plot greater than 401Sq.yds.(335.28Sq.m.) and not more than 600Sq.yds.(501.67Sq.m.). 

20-1.1.6. Flat site: not less than 2420Sq.yds.(2023.4Sq.m). 

20-1.1.7. commercial plots not less than 60Sq.yds.(50.42Sq.m). 

20-1.2. Concerned Authority, in their areas of jurisdiction, may set higher minimum levels, but may not reduce them beyond the sizes defined above. 

20-1.3. The determinations by the Concerned Authority of plot sizes shall be referred by such agencies to MP&ECD for its comments, and in the event of differences, the MP&ECD determination shall prevail. 

20-2. Plot Shape 

Plot shapes shall generally be rectangular quadrangles; provided, however, that where this would cause practical difficulties arising from irregular or unique features of a plot, the developer may apply for an exception. In any case:- 

20-2.1. The ratio of frontage to depth of residential plots shall be no less than 1:1 and no more than 1:3. 

20-2.2.Minimum width of residential / commercial plot shall not be less than 20ft. (6 m.) 


20-Bulk & Spatial Standards 

20-3. Density Standards 


20-3.1.1. “Residential density” means the average number of persons residing on 1 acre (4067.22Sq.m) of residential area. For the purposes of this clause “residential area” means an area devoted to residential uses, as defined in clause 19-2.1; and does not include streets or lanes or other residentiary uses defined in Clause 19-2.2.

20-3.1.2. “Residentiary density” means the average number of persons residing on or occupying 1 acre. of residentiary area. For the purposes of this clause “residentiary area” means an area devoted to residentiary uses, other than residential uses, as defined in clause 19-2.2. 

20-3.2. The following residential density requirements shall apply: 

20-3.2.1. To the indicated types of housing development: 

a) on 80Sq.yds.(66.89Sq.m.). plots: no more than 500 persons per acre (0.404 hectare)of residential area; 

b) on plots greater than 81Sq.yds.(67.7Sq.m) to 120Sq.yds.(100sq.m). plots: no more than (400) Four hundred persons per acre (0.404 hectare) of residential area; 

c) on plots greater than 121Sq.yds.(101.17Sq.m) to 240Sq.yds.(200.67Sq.m) plots: no more than (300) Three hundred persons per acre (0.404 hectare) of residential area; 

d) on plots greater than 241Sq.yds.(201.5 sq.m) to 400Sq.yds.(334.45 sq.m) plots: no more than (200) two hundred persons per acre(0.404 hectare) of residential area; 

e) on plots greater than 401Sq.yds.(335.28Sq.m) to 600Sq.yds.(501.67Sq.m) plots: no more than 150 persons per acre (0.404 hectare) of residential area; 

20-3.2.2. Flats for low income groups: no more than (650) six hundred fifty persons per acre (0.404 hectare) of residential area; 


20-Bulk & Spatial Standards 

20-3.2.3. Flats for medium income groups: no more than 500 persons for acre (0.404 hectare). of residential area; 

20-3.2.4. Flats for high income groups: no more than (325) three hundred twenty five persons per acre (0.404 hectare) of residential area. 

20-3.3. For developed areas: 

20-3.3.1. In areas already substantially developed, where the requirements of sub-clause 20-3.02 are inappropriate for either the development of vacant areas or redevelopment of deteriorated built-up areas, the Concerned Authority may approve less restrictive density standards for residential development with the approval of MP&ECD provided, however, that the Concerned Authority in making such determinations takes into account the following factors: 

a) the number and size of the dwelling units to be constructed; 

b) the pattern of existing housing development in the neighbourhood; 

c) the terms and conditions and restrictions of the land grant conditions governing the development;

d) the potential improvement of hygienic conditions in relation to available capacity of utility infrastructures and sanitation facilities; and 

e) the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Community of which the development is a part. 

20-3.3.2. In the case of redevelopment schemes, the Concerned Authority shall refer its determinations of such density requirements to MP&ECD and such requirements shall be subject to MP&ECD approval. 


20-Bulk & Spatial Standards 

20-4. Land Allocation 

20-4.1.Allocations for various land uses for new residential schemes shall be as follows. 

20-4.1.1. Residentiary area for residential uses as defined 19-2.1 shall be allowed upto maximum 55% of the total area of land. 

20-4.1.2. Commercial area for commercial uses as defined in sub-clause 19-2.2.6 shall be allowed upto maximum 5% of the total area of land. 

20-4.1.3. Amenity area for other residentiary uses shall be as under:- 

a) Roads/Streets, right of way minimum 22% of the total area of the land. 

b) Parks minimum 5% of the total area of the land. 

c) Play Grounds minimum 5% of the total area of the land. 

d) Public uses including religious uses such as mosque, Imam-Bargaas, etc. minimum 5% of the total area of the land. 

e) Educational uses minimum 3% of the total area of the land. 

20-4.2.Allocations of land for new industrial towns and estates for large and medium size industries shall be as follows:- 

20-4.2.1. Industrial area as defined in 19-3.1.1 shall be allowed upto maximum 70% of the total area of land. 

20-4.2.2. Commercial area as defined in sub clause 19-2.2.6 shall be allowed upto maximum 1% of the total area of land. 

20-4.2.3. Amenity area for other residentiary uses shall be as under:- 

a) Roads/Streets, right of way minimum 20% of the total20-Bulk & Spatial Standards 


20-Bulk & Spatial Standards 

b) Parks/Play Grounds minimum 3% of the total area of the land. 

c) Public uses including Educational and religious uses minimum 6% of the total area of the land. 

20-4.2.4. On industrial plots of 5 acres and more large industrial plots, 8% of the total plot area in the rear shall be allowed for residential, local commercial, amenity, road etc. within the premises for labour and staff for which a separate approach shall have to be provided. The minimum distance between the factory and residential units shall be atleast 40 ft. (12.18 m.) 

20-4.2.5. In any industrial area, no road shall be less than 50 ft. (15.22m) in width for areas allocated for large and medium industries and no less than 40 ft. (12.18m) for area allocated for small industries.

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