THE SINDH GOVT. GAZETTE APRIL 04, 2002 3922-Definitions.
2-1. In the Regulations hereinafter contained, the following terms and expressions shall have the meanings hereinafter respectively assigned to them, unless such meaning be repugnant to or inconsistent with the context or subject matter in which such words or expressions occur:
2-1.1. Words imparting the singular number shall include the plural;
2-1.2. Words imparting the plural shall include the singular; and
2-1.3. Words imparting the masculine gender shall include feminine gender as well.
2-2. “Addition” means the addition of any unit/structure to any building/structure constructed in accordance with these Regulations, and after obtaining the Occupancy Certificate of the building/structure being added to.
2-3. “Agriculture” means and includes pasture, horticulture, breeding of livestock including poultry, fish and bees, and the use of land for any purpose ancillary thereto.
2-4. “Allottee” means a person or a body who purchases a unit in a public sale project.
2-5. "Alteration" means any change brought about, after the approval of Building plan without affecting or violating any provision of these Regulations.
2-6. “Amalgamation” means the joining of two or more adjoining plots of the same land use into a single plot in accordance with these Regulations.
2-7. “Amenity Plot” means a plot allocated exclusively for the purpose of amenity uses as define in Chapter 19 of these Regulations, such as Government uses in 19-2.2.1, Health and Welfare uses in 19-2.2.2, Education uses in 19-2.2.3, Assembly Uses in 19-2.2.4, Religious uses in 19-2.2.5, Parks and Play grounds in 19-2.2.7, Burial grounds in 19-2.2.8, Transportation right-of-way in 19-2.2.9, Parking in 19-2.2.10 and Recreational Areas in 19-2.2.12.
2-8. “Ancillary Building” means a building subservient to the principal building on the same plot e.g. servant quarters, garages, guard room etc.
2-9. "Apartment" means an independent residential unit consisting of at least one habitable room, bathroom, toilet, and cooking facilities in an apartment building as defined in 2-10 below.
2-10. “Apartment Building” means a building having more than one story and containing more than two apartments sharing common staircase, or access space.
2-11. “Approved” means approved in writing by the Authority.
2-12. “Arcade” means a covered walk-way or a verandah between the shops and the street/footpath on which the shops abut.
2-13. “Architectural Plan” means a plan showing the arrangements of proposed building works, including floor plans, elevations and sections, in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations.
2-14. “Area Standards” means those zoning regulations or other land development requirements or restrictions referred to in these Regulations, which have heretofore been, or may hereafter be, adopted for a specified area or areas by, or on behalf of, MP&ECD whether or not as part of a detailed plan.
2-15. “Assembly uses” Assembly uses as defined in Regulation
2-16. “Attached Building” means a building which is joined to another building on one or more sides by a common wall or walls.
2-17. “A.C.I.” means American Concrete Institute.
2-18. “Balcony” means a projection from a wall of a building on an open space or a public street.
2-19. “Basement” means a story of a building partially or wholly below ground level.
2-20. “Bath Room” means a room containing a water tap/wash basin and a shower or a bathtub or a bath tray, and may with or without a W.C.
2-21. “Building Line” means a line up to which any part of a building from its lowest level, including any and all foundations, or other structure, abutting on a public street or a road planned future public street, may extend, provided always that such line is within the property line of such building or cut line as provided in these Regulation of such plots.
2-22. “Building Designer” means a person who had been granted license to act as such under Karachi Building Control Licensing Regulations 1982.
2-23. “Building Supervisor” means a person who has been granted a license to act as such under these Regulations.
2-24. “Building Works” means erection or re-erection/modification including complete or partial demolition of a building including full or partial thereof or making additions and alterations to an existing building.
2-25. “B.S.S.” mean the latest applicable published edition of the relevant British Standard Specifications.
2-26. “B.S.C.P.” means the latest applicable published edition of British Standard Code of Practice
2-27. “Carpet Area” means the net floor area within a rent-able/saleable unit excluding the area of peripheral walls but including the area of internal walls and columns.
2-28. “Car Porch” means a shelter or a shed for a car which is permanently open on at least two sides.
2-29. “Chimney” means a structure enclosing one or more flues, and includes any opening therein for the function of a heat producing appliance/fireplace.
2-30. “Chief Controller of Buildings (CCOB)” means the authorized officer of the Authority to effect implementation of these Regulations.
2-31. “City District Karachi” includes the areas within the jurisdiction of the City District Government.
2-32. “Clinical Buildings” means the buildings specified for health and welfare uses as defined in sub-clause 19-2.2.2.
2-33. “Commercial Building” means a building constructed for commercial use as defined in sub-clause 19-2.2.6.
2-34. “Commercial use” means commercial (trade) uses such as shops shopping centers, markets and other uses as defined in sub-clause 19-2.2.6.
2-35. “Compartment” As defined in Regulation No.14-5.
2-36. “Completion Plan” means an as built plan submitted to the Authority for the purposes of obtaining approval and occupancy certificate.
2-37. “Concerned Authority” means the public agency designated to perform the functions of the Concerned Authority for the purpose of these Regulations (Schedule 1A) or any other Authority notified by the Government, from time to time.
2-38. “Controller of Buildings (COB)” means the authorized officer of the Authority to effect implementation of these Regulations in respective circles/areas.
2-39. “COS -Compulsory Open Space” means that part of a plot which is to be left completely open to sky, over which no structure or any integral part of the building shall be permitted except permissible projections, basement, steps, septic underground tanks, soak pits, water reservoirs and lines for sewage, water, electricity, gas, telephone etc., or those structures required by civic agencies such as electric sub-station permitted elsewhere in these Regulations.
2-40. “Corner Plot” means a plot situated at the intersection of two or more streets/roads.
2-41. “Cottage Industry” includes small and medium size repair shops, handicrafts, and small scale inoffensive non-hazardous and non-obnoxious production and manufacturing units in areas, specified for such uses.
2-42. “Covered Area” same as Floor Area Regulation 2-58.
2-43. “Dangerous Building” means a building or structure which is declared as structurally unsafe and/or which is hazardous, as specified in Chapter-7.
2-44. “Depth” in respect to a building means the measured distance perpendicular from the outermost part of such building at its rear excluding projections as permitted in these Regulations.
2-45. “Detached Building” means a building not joined to another building on any side by a common wall.
2-46. “Development Permit” means any general or special permit issued, including a permit customarily denominated as a “No Objection Certificate”, “planning permit”, “town planning permit” or other document having the effect of permitting development as defined in these Regulations.
2-47. “Development Plan” means the plan meant for the development of Karachi currently adopted by the Master Plan & Environmental Control Department and concerned agencies notified by the Statutory Authority or as revised from time to time.
2-48. “Development Works” means use of land as per approved plan, design and specifications.
2-49. “Engineer” means a person currently registered as such under PEC Act-1975.
2-50. “External Wall” means any outer wall of a building abutting on an external or internal open space on adjoining property lines.
2-51. “Factory” means a building or part thereof used for manufacture, production or preparation of any article.
2-52. “Fire Escape” means an exit from a building, for use in the event of fire.
2-53. “Flat” means as defined in “Apartment” clause No.2-9.
2-54. “Flat sites” means plots designated as such for multi-family residential uses.
2-55. “Floor Area” means horizontal area of floor in a building covered with roof, whether or not enclosed by walls but excluding ancillary covered spaces and projection allowed under these Regulations.
2-56. “Floor Area Ratio” means the total floor area of a building divided by the area of the plot.
2-57. “Footprint” means the portion of a plot of land covered, at any level, by a building or part thereof other than basement.
2-58. “Government” means the Government of Sindh.
2-59. “Ground Floor” Means the floor of any structure built just above the plinth level.
2-60. “Habitable Room” means a room to be used primarily for human habitation.
2-61. “Head Room” means the clear vertical distance measured between the finished lower level and the underside of lowest obstruction such as ceiling or rafter, whichever is lower.
2-62. “Height of a Building” means the vertical measurement from the highest part of the crown of the road along the length of the plot boundary of such a building, on the side determined to be the front of such plot, to the highest part of the building.
2-63. “Height of a Room” means the vertical distance measured between the finished floor level and under side of the ceiling.
2-64. “Hoarding” means a fence of temporary character erected around a building site on which erection, demolition or repair work is in hand.
2-65. “House/Bungalow” means an independent residential building for the use of people, a family/families having at least one habitable room with a kitchen, a bath, and a toilet.
2-66. “Housing/Dwelling Unit” means a part or whole of a residential building capable of being used independently for human habitation.
2-67. “Industrial Building” means a building constructed on a plot allotted exclusively for the purpose of industry under these Regulations.
2-68. “Inspection Chamber” means any chamber constructed so as to provide access thereto for inspection and cleaning.
2-69. “Land” includes the earth, water and air, above, below or on the surface, and anything attached to the earth, and has the meaning assigned to it under Clause (a) of Section 3 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1984.
2-70. “Land Development” has the meaning assigned under clause 3-3.1.
2-71. “Land use Plan” means a land use plan, referred to in Appendix A, heretofore or hereafter approved by, or on behalf of, MP&ECD for a specified existing or new community or a major area thereof, which may include area standards or other provisions relating to:-
2-71.1. the precise location and characteristics of road, other rights of way, and utilities;
2-71.2. the dimensions and grading of plots and the dimensions and siting of structures;
2-71.3. the precise location and characteristics of permissible types of development; and
2-71.4. any other planning matters which contribute to the development, renewal, maintenance and use of the area as a whole.
2-72. “License” means a permission, granted under these Regulations by the Authority to perform such functions as are allowed under these Regulations.
2-73. “Licensee” means an individual/s or firm who has been duly licensed by the Authority.
2-74. “Licensed Non Professionals” means person/s or firm granted license under these Regulations, who are not registered with any of the statuary bodies.
2-75. “Light Industry” means an industry defined as such by the Industries Department or as defined in these Regulations.
2-76. "Loft" means a horizontal slab used only for storage purposes, which shall be allowed in kitchens, baths and store rooms/shops with access from inside only upto 5'-0" clear height between the loft floor and roof height and shall not exceed 30% of the floor area of the room.
2-77. “Master Plan” means a Development Plan for an area providing short terms and long terms policy guideline for a systematic and controlled growth in future.
2-78. “Master Plan & Environmental Control Department (MP&ECD)” is the Department established to implement Town Planning and Environmental Control Regulations for City District Karachi in accordance with these Regulations.
2-79. “Medical Waste” means such waste or item which can, or is likely to, cause infection, and without prejudice to the generality above, includes needles, operating theatre material, surgical gloves, bandages, blood, bones and flesh etc.
2-80. “NOC” means No Objection Certificate as defined in these Regulations.
2-81. “Notification” means a notification published in the Sindh Government Gazette.
2-82. “Obnoxious Industries” include, amongst others, brick kilns, coke ovens, salt glazing, sulphur working, making of cellulose lacquer, pitch bitumen, charcoal burning, gut scraping, tannery, glue making, fish meal, soap boiling, tallow making, skin dyeing and those which may be specified as Obnoxious Industries by the Industries Department from time to time.
2-83. “Ordinance” means the Sindh Building Control Ordinance, 1979.
2-84. “Open Staircase” means a staircase at least two sides of which are open, except for a guard rail or wall of a maximum nominal height of 4ft.(1.2m), and which has no roof.
2-85. “Oversee Committee” means a Committee notified under Ordinance, as amended from time to time to oversee the functioning of the Authority.
2-86. “Owner” means a person or persons holding title to a piece of plot or land/construction thereupon.
2-87. “PEC” means Pakistan Engineering Council established under PEC Act, 1976.
2-88. “Pedestrian Lane” means thoroughfares intended exclusively for pedestrian traffic at least 10ft.(3m) wide).
2-89. “Party Wall” means a wall separating adjoining properties.
2-90. “Pergola” means a horizontal structure of grid or trellis, the voids of which must be at least 75 percent of the total area in the plan of the pergola and are open to sky.
2-91. “Person” includes any individual, company or association of bodies or individuals, whether incorporated or not, or any public agency.
2-92. “Place of Public Worship” means a building designed for the purpose of performance of religious functions.
2-93. “Plinth” means the height of the finished floor level of the ground floor, measured from the top of the finished surface of the road serving the plot, taken from the center of the property line of the plot along the road. In case of more than one road serving the plot, the plinth will be measured from the road providing principal access at the higher level. The height of the plinth shall be limited to 4’-6”, except on plots where the natural contours are more than 4’-6” over at least 40% of the plot area as measured from the point at the center of the property line of the road adjacent to it.
2-94. “Prescribed” means prescribed by these Regulations.
2-95. “Professional” means an individual or firm registered as such under the PCATP ordinance-1983 and PEC Act-1976.
2-96. “Proposed Plans” means plans submitted for approval in respect of proposed building works and/or land development work.
2-97. “Prescribed Form” means form prescribed for various purposes by the Authority.
2-98. “Preservation” means protection of any building or area from any development which may destroy or change its character.
2-99. “Professional Engineer” means a person recognized as such under PEC Act and Rules & Regulations framed thereunder.
2-100. “Property line” for the purposes of these Regulations means that part of plot boundary which separates private property from the public property or a private property from another private property.
2-101. “Proof Engineer” means registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) as Consulting Engineer (Structural Design) and with minimum 10 years’ experience of structural design of building works and whose name is listed on the panel of Proof Engineers maintained by the Authority.
2-102. “Public Agency” includes a person or body of persons, autonomous body appointed by or under the authority of Government or the Federal Government and includes Town Councils and Union Councils, as defined in the Sindh Local Government Ordinance, 2001.
2-103. “Public Use Building" means a building designed for public use and includes a dispensary, post office, police station, tonga stand and transport stand, town hall, public library, cultural center, cinema and such other buildings which are meant for public use facilities.
2-104. “Public Open Space” means open spaces including parks, playgrounds, waterways, streets, road and lanes and such other places as defined in these Regulations.
2-105. “Public Sale Project” means a project designed with the intention of transferring to the public on ownership basis by way of public sale and for which Sale NOC is obtained from the Authority.
2-106. “Renewal” means renewal of any permission given by the Authority in accordance with the Regulations.
2-107. “Residential Building” means building constructed for residential purposes, e.g. bungalow, town house, flats and such other buildings.
2-108. “Regulations” means Karachi Building & Town Planning Regulations 2002 framed under Ordinance, as amended from time to time.
2-109. “Repairs” means repair work to services, painting, white-washing, plastering, pointing and paving and such other works without change in the approved/completion plan.
2-110. “Revised/Amended Plan” means previously approved drawings/plans re-submitted for approval in accordance with the provision of these regulations.
2-111. “Road” means a public access-way, including any land reservation for such public access-way whether public or private.
2-112. “Scrutiny Fee” means a fee to be determined and levied as per the provision of the Ordinance, as amended from time to time.
2-113. “Society” means an organization registered as such under the relevant laws.
2-114. “Shop” includes any room or part of a building used, wholly or mainly, for the purpose of trade or business but shall not be used for any activity as may cause noise and nuisance in the neighborhood.
2-115. “Sub-Division” means the division of land held under the same ownership in to two or more plots.
2-116. “Sub-division plan” means a layout plan for a proposed sub-division duly approved by or on behalf of the concerned Authority/MP&ECD as provided in these Regulations.
2-117. “Sun-Shade” means an outside projection from a building to provide protection from weather, which cannot be converted to habitable space.
2-118. “Supervision” means to oversee and supervise the implementation of approved Architectural/Town Planning/Engineering design and specifications during the execution of buildings/development works at site.
2-119. “Temporary Structure” means a structure built/constructed purely on temporary basis, wholly within the plot with the approval of the Authority for a specific period of time and which shall be demolished on completion of the project.
2-120. “Toilet” means a space for personal ablution which includes at least one urinal and/or W.C. (water closet).
2-121. “Total Floor Area” means the sum of floor areas of all the floors of all the buildings on a plot, less exemption as permitted in these Regulations.
2-122. “Transport Department” means the Transport Department of the City District Karachi.
2-123. “Ware house” means a building in which goods are stored.
2-124. “Waste” includes industrial, hospital and municipal waste and sewage.
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