10-Lighting and Ventilation 

10-1. Size of external openings 

10-1.1. Every room, other than rooms used predominantly for the storage of goods, shall be provided with natural light and natural ventilation by means of one or more openings in external walls. These openings shall have a combined area of not less than 10% for habitable rooms and 7.5% for other rooms of the floor space of such opening, and the whole of such openings shall be capable of allowing free and uninterrupted passage of air. 

10-1.2. Area for openings in case of warehouse, godown, storage places etc. shall not be less than 5% of the floor space unless the space is mechanically ventilated. 

10-2. Size of internal openings 

Unless the light and ventilation requirements are met by an air well or ventilation duct, all internal habitable rooms must have openings in internal air wells in addition to door openings not less than 7.5% of the floor area of such room. Access for maintenance of shaft be provided at level for where the shaft is commence. 

10-3. Internal Air Wells 

10-3.1. Habitable rooms may receive daylight and natural ventilation from internal air wells which shall conform to the following minimum sizes:- 10-3.1.1. For buildings up to 2 storeys, 50Sq.ft. (4.6Sq.m) with minimum width of well 5ft. (1.5m). 

10-3.1.2. For buildings with 3 to 5 storeys, 100Sq.ft. (9.3Sq.m) with minimum width of well 8ft. (2.44m). 

10-3.1.3. For buildings higher than 5 storeys, 100Sq.ft. (9.3Sq.m) plus 10Sq.ft. (0.93Sq.m) for each additional floor over 5 storeys and minimum width of well 10ft. (3.0m). 

10-3.2. Where only kitchens, W.C.’s and bathrooms receive daylight and ventilation from air-wells, their sizes shall conform with the following as minimum:- 

10-3.2.1. For buildings up to 2 storeys, 25Sq.ft. (2.3Sq.m) with minimum width of well 3ft.(0.9m). 


10-Lighting and Ventilation 

10-3.2.2. For buildings with 3 to 5 storeys, 50Sq.ft.(4.6Sq.m) with minimum width of well 5ft.(1.5m). 

10-3.2.3. For buildings higher than 5 stories, 50Sq.ft.(4.64Sq.m) plus 5Sq.ft.(0.46Sq.m) for each additional floor with minimum width of well 5ft.(1.5m). 

10-3.3 Access for maintenance of each such shaft shall be provided at lowest level of the shaft.

10-4. Permanent Openings in Kitchen 

Every kitchen shall have openings for permanent ventilation into the external air space not less than 15% of its floor area. 

10-5. Water Closet, Bath Room & Ablution Places. 

Every water closet, urinal stall, and bath room and ablution area shall be provided with natural lighting and ventilation by means of one or more openings in external walls having a combined area of not less than 2Sq.ft.(0.2sq.m) per water closet, urinal or bathroom except where adequate and permanent mechanical ventilation is provided and which discharges into an open space. 

10-6. Garages 

Every garage shall be provided with opening of not less than 5% of the floor area for ventilation and lighting incorporated in a wall or in the door. 

10-7. Staircases 

All staircases which are enclosed shall be provided with adequate lighting and ventilation from openings not less than 7.5% of the staircase area. 

10-8. Mechanical Ventilation and Central Air-Conditioning waiver & minimum requirement.

10-8.1. Where undertaking for central air-conditioning and permanent mechanical ventilation is provided, the relevant clauses of these Regulations dealing with natural ventilation, lighting and heights of rooms may be waived. 

10-8.2. Where permanent mechanical ventilation in respect of lavatories, water closets, bath rooms or corridors has been provided for and maintained in accordance with the following clauses, conditions relating to natural ventilation and natural lighting under these Regulations shall not apply to such lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors. 


10-Lighting and Ventilation 

10-8.3. Basement or underground car parks and other enclosures below ground level shall be provided with mechanical ventilation. 

10-8.4. Cinemas or other projection rooms where photographic film is being used, processed or stored; which are situated in the internal portion of the building; and in respect of which no such external walls (or those overlooking verandahs, pavements or walkways) are present, shall be provided with mechanical ventilation or air conditioning. 

10-8.5. In case of mechanical ventilation and central air conditioning for all types of buildings and spaces HVAC relevant code of practice as may be approved by the Authority shall be followed.

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