19-Land Use Classification 

19-1. General 

19-1.1. As used in this land use classification, as elsewhere in these Regulations, the term 'includes or 'including' indicates that the listed items are intended to be illustrative and not exclusive. 

19-1.2. Where land includes mixed uses, the designations of the various uses classes may be combined as appropriate (e.g. "commercial-cum-residential"). 

19-2.Urban Uses – Residentiary 

19-2.1. Residential uses: includes all land used for dwelling facilities, but does not include land used for lodging facilities operated on a commercial basis. 

19-2.2. Other residentiary uses: 

19-2.2.1. Government Uses: includes the use of land for all governmental purposes such as offices, post offices, police stations, jails and foreign missions, other than uses specifically included in other classifications. 

19-2.2.2. Health and Welfare Uses: includes land used for health and social welfare services such as health center, medical & dental clinics, hospitals, maternity homes, medical research institutions, nurseries, mother and child care centers, homes or other institutions for physically disabled persons, mental institutions, homes for the elderly, and veterinary clinics/hospitals including green areas and open spaces essential for the proper functioning of such institutions. 

19-2.2.3. Education uses: includes all land used for nursery schools, kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, colleges, special colleges, technical colleges, universities, research institutes, madressah, all such institutions related with education purposes (other than medical), and fine arts institutes, including green and open spaces essential for the proper functioning of such institutions. 

Note: The sites reserves for education use cannot be convert Into any other use. 


19-Land Use Classification 

19-2.2.4. Assembly Uses: includes all land used for libraries, cinemas, theatres, concert halls, planetaria, aquaria (if outside of zoo), non-sportive clubs, exhibition halls, and exhibition grounds etc. With theexception of exhibition grounds, open areas of these facilities will be limited by their actual operational needs. 

19-2.2.5. Religious uses: includes all land used by mosques, jamaat khanas, monasteries, churches, synagogues, shrines, temples, dargahs, imambargahs, and tombs including ancillary green and open spaces belonging to the religious body owning the land. 

19-2.2.6. Commercial (trade) uses: normally includes only the land used for the activity in question, though this may be increased by additional open or green space, if the operation of the facility concerned requires it. Commercial (trade) uses includes: 

a) Whole sale trade: subzi mandi, fruit mandi, whole sale markets. 

b) retail shopping: including shops, shopping centers, department stores, bazaars, markets and hawkers areas juma bazar etc.; 

c) Personal services: including barbers, hair-dressers, baths, tailoring, shoe-making, laundries and dry cleaners; 

d) Catering: including restaurants, banquet halls, marriage hall/lawn, refreshment stalls, buffets, 

e) Lodging: including hotels, motels and clubs providing lodging; 

f) Business offices including banks;

 g) Petrol stations, , CNG station. 

h) Cyber Cafe etc. 


19-Land Use Classification Parks and playgrounds: includes: 

all green spaces, including various related cultural or recreational facilities such as greenhouses, zoological and botanical gardens and their related feasibility, toilet for both sex and fist aid facility, but excluding green spaces ancillary to welfare or educational facilities, and excluding median or other dividing green strips in road rights-of-way; 

19-2.2.8. PLAY GROUND 

a) All open spaces designated for all indoor or Outdoor sports activities of all types whether fully developed or not; and 

b) All structures serving sports activities, like sports complex, gymnasia, swimming pools, stadium, race-courses, sports clubs of all kinds, whether they are part of an open space designated for sports activities or are independent structures.

Note: Spaces reserved for parks and play grounds shall not be converted for any other amenity or for any other use. 

19-2.2.8. Burial grounds: includes graveyards of any religious denomination, Towers of Silence and crematoria. 

19-2.2.9. Transportation right-of-way: includes highways and refer roads with service road and streets, parking and loading areas therein, green belts, and pedestrian lanes. 

19-2.2.10.Parking: includes driveway, parking spaces, bus bays, parking lots, ramps, and buildings used wholly for parking purposes. 

19-2.2.11. Residentiary manufacturing: those industries in which the process carried on or the machinery installed are such that it could be carried on or installed in any residential area without detriment to the environment or pleasant circumstances, features and advantages of the area as specified in Regulation No.25-6.1. 


19-Land Use Classification 

19-2.2.12. Aquatic Recreational Areas: Sea coast, lakes, rivers, ponds, water falls, boating basins, marine promenade, marine clubs, yachting clubs.Urban uses - Non residentiary 

19-3. Urban uses- Non Residentiary 

19-3.1. Manufacturing Uses: includes all industrial activities other than cottage industries and may be sub-divided into: 

19-3.1.1. large-scale manufacturing/ heavy industry. 

19-3.1.2. small-scale manufacturing/ light industry. 

19-3.2. Wholesale uses: includes all warehousing, godowns, and wholesale markets. 

19-3.3. Construction: includes yards of construction firms, open storage of construction materials, pre-processing of constructional materials, and small pre-fabrication plants serving particular construction projects, but does not include a site under construction which is intended for another ultimate use. 

19-3.4. Utilities and Municipal Service facilities: includes all facilities for utility services, excluding those parts of utility networks that are under or above transportation rights-of-way. Utilities and municipal services facilities may be included: 

19-3.4.1. Water supply: including protected water resources areas, water purification plants, pumping stations, water mains, water conduits rising mains and water reservoirs;

19-3.4.2. Sewerage: including treatment plants, sewage farms, oxidation ponds, sludge ponds outside industrial enterprises, pumping stations and main trunk sewers; 

19-3.4.3. Solid waste disposal: including composting plants incinerator and general or special dumping grounds and landfill sites; 

19-3.4.4. Electricity: including power stations, step-down stations, transformers in separate structures, and high-tension lines. 

19-3.4.5. Gas: including gas works, pressure reducing stations and main gas conduits; 


19-Land Use Classification 

19-3.4.6. Communication: including Radio, TV, wireless stations, boosting stations and telephone exchanges etc. 

19-3.4.7. Others: including storm water drains, flood embankments fire-brigade stations, depots of public works supplies and equipment, and civil defence depots. 

19-3.5. Transportation terminals: includes airports, harbors, railway stations and yards, bus depots, truck terminal stands and tramway depots and terminals. 

19-3.6. Protection Zones: includes buffer areas around industrial facilities or transportation terminals and river beds, which must be kept vacant to protect nearby uses from such facilities or terminals, but does not include buffer areas suitable for agriculture. 

19-4. Semi-Urban Uses 

19-4.1. Vacant improved land: includes land reclaimed for development, such as through the provision of major roads and trunk utility lines, but not yet developed. 

19-4.2. restricted land: includes land the use of which is governed by national security regulations. 

19-5. Non-Urban Uses 

19-5.1. Agriculture and Forestry Uses: 

19-5.1.1. Agricultural lands: includes arable lands, Poultry Farm, pastures and grazing grounds and orchards. 

19-5.1.2. Woodlands: includes woods, forests and tree nurseries. 

19-5.1.3. fishing: includes fish harbors, fish ponds and fish farms or hatcheries. 

19-5.1.4. Irrigation: includes irrigation canals, ditches and dykes. 

19-5.2. Mines and quarries.

19-5.3. Salt pans. 

19-5.4. Non-Urban Vacant: 


19-Land Use Classification 

19-5.4.1. Developable vacant: includes vacant land, whether developable for urban or non-urban use, other than vacant land under. 

19-5.4.2. Residual Vacant Land: including areas prone to risks/hazards detrimental to human lives, all land not capable of development, including land subject to annual flooding. 

19.5.5. Water bodies, sea, lake, pond, rivers. 

19.5.6. Tourist resorts/Holiday Towns and Historical sites.

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